Thursday, July 30, 2009

I just wanna dance!

I visited an orphanage yesterday with a bunch of short-term missioners from Hong Kong. They were from the church's youth group and as you can imagine were full of life and energy. They had this whole program planned with stories, games, and other fun activities. The only problem: the children didn't want any part of it. We tried and tried to get the children to where the games were played but they didn't budge.

So we started playing music. Of course we picked music these 3-7 year olds would relate to. I don't remember the title but the verse starts with "Apple Bottom Jeans." How appropriate right? But out of the corner of our eye we saw almost half of kids on stage dancing. It wasn't just any kind of dancing but a choreographed dance. We were both amazed and shocked. Shocked that they new this song with such explicit connotation but amazed because all it took was a song to gather them.

I think it's the same in community, or the Body of Christ for that matter. I think often times we pry and pull people to do certain things in order to fill certain gaps that need to filled. We fail to realize that we simply need to play music and let them dance to their own tune.

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