There were four of us sitting around a table. We had loaf of bread and bottle of wine in the middle. We decided to read the passage from 1 Corinthians and before we partook of the bread, Dave raised it up and gave thanks for the body of Christ. In the same way, I lifted the bottle of wine and gave thanks for the blood that was shed. We then took turns tearing pieces of the bread and drinking the wine.
What happened that night was nothing short of marvelous. I personally, had never encountered communion in that way. Unlike the small flake and the shot glass of grape juice done once a month at church, this was an abundant meal with no shortage. I could partake as much as I wanted to. This reminded me that Christ is abundantly available for us. And as I ate more of the bread and wine I was mysteriously bonded to Christ. His suffering, my forgiveness, and the hope I have in him became more tangible through each bite and sip. The physical became the spiritual.
We naturally started sharing about what the cup and the bread meant to us. While some of us had developed a theology through the years that one needed to be "right" with God before taking communion, our dialogue led back to the abundant grace of God and the security of being His children. We agreed that the partaking of the body was perhaps for all of us. After all, who would need Christ more, the sick or the well? Some of us shared that we had never been sure if we were ever "right" with God and that our brokenness required us to be in a continual process of restoration.
The elements then became a point for fellowship. During the week I wanted to share a song with them so I busted out the guitar and started singing "Faithful Father." Dave knew the song and started singing harmony! It was great! That sealed the deal. It was the most meaningful Lord's Supper I ever had during my twenty plus years of being a Christian. I loved the participatory nature and the time we gave for sharing, fellowship, and reflection upon Christ's death and resurrection. I think it's safe to say that all of us will never see the Lord's Supper in the same way again.
To Christ...cheers!